Ovulation Induction

What is Ovulation Induction Treatment?

  • Ovulation Induction is a simple process to stimulate egg development and release (ovulation) to improve the chances of conception either through intercourse or artificial insemination (IUI). You’ll take medication (as tablets or through injections) to stimulate your hormones.
  • A normally ovulating woman releases one egg per cycle that has a chance to fuse with the sperm and develop into an embryo. However, some women do not ovulate on their own-typically women with irregular menstrual cycles. Ovulation induction in these women is used with the goal of producing a single, healthy egg.
  • Other women may be ovulating regularly but unable to conceive. These women with “unexplained infertility” may have subtle defects in ovulation. Ovulation induction in these women is used to increase the number of eggs reaching maturity in a single cycle in order to increase the chances of conception. Evidence exists to suggest that there may be an advantage to treating even ovulatory women with fertility medications. This treatment, therefore, improves the quality and quantity of ovulation, thus enhancing pregnancy rates.
  • In ovulatory women, ovulation induction is always combined with intrauterine insemination. Ovulation induction should progress only after a complete and thorough evaluation. All underlying hormonal disorders, such as thyroid dysfunction, should be treated before resorting to ovulation induction with fertility drugs.

How does Ovulation Induction work?

  • Your ovulation cycle will be confirmed with blood samples to measure hormone levels at specific stages of your cycle along with a transvaginal ultrasound to see the development of follicles in the ovaries, and the thickness and appearance of the lining of the womb.
  • For women who don’t have a normal menstrual cycle, it may take some time to ovulate after starting the medications. Ovulation may occur much later in their cycle (after Day 14).
  • The Medications used are Clomiphene citrate and injection of Follicle follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

Risk associated with ovulation induction

  • This includes the possibility of overstimulation, called ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, or OHSS. OHSS is reported to occur in approximately 1% of cycles. This is associated with enlarged ovaries, abdominal pain, and collection of fluid within the abdomen. In extreme cases, it may require hospitalization to manage the pain and other associated clinical findings.
  • Multiple pregnancies is also a possibility when these medications are used. In general, approximately 75% are single, 20% are twins, 5% are triplets and 1% are quadruplets or higher.
  • The risk of multiple pregnancies increases with the number of mature follicles that are seen on ultrasound examination of the ovaries. When many mature follicles develop, the decision can be taken together with your doctor to not give the injection that causes ovulation. This eliminates the risk of any pregnancy (single or multiple) occurring in that cycle.

How to induce ovulation immediately?

You can induce ovulation through medications such as Clomiphene Citrate, Letrozole or injectable hormones like Human Menopausal Gonadotropin (hMG) or Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH). These medications mimic the body's natural hormonal signals and thus stimulate the ovaries to release eggs. Such treatments can help women with irregular or absent ovulation conceive.

How long does ovulation induction take?

Ovulation induction typically takes several weeks. The medication cycle is taken for 5-10 days, depending on the type. Your doctor will follow you up by doing ultrasounds and hormone tests to check how your ovaries are responding during this time. Ovulation usually occurs 24-36 hours after receiving a Human Chorionic Gonadotropin injection, which causes the final ripening of the eggs.

Can I get pregnant after ovulation induction?

Yes, pregnancy is possible after ovulation induction, but it's not guaranteed. The goal of the process is to help your ovaries release one or more eggs for fertilization. The chance of pregnancy depends on factors like egg quality, sperm quality, age, and conditions like PCOS. If ovulation induction alone doesn’t work, your doctor may suggest procedures like intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF).

How to make ovulation induction successful?

To boost the success of ovulation induction, it’s important to follow the prescribed medication plan and get regular monitoring, including blood tests and ultrasounds. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle also helps. If you have underlying conditions, like hormonal imbalances or weight issues, addressing them can improve your chances of successful ovulation and conception.

When can I test after ovulation induction?

Wait for 10-14 days after ovulation induction before taking a pregnancy test. This will allow the fertilized egg to implant in your uterus. Testing too early may give a false negative since the levels of the pregnancy hormone, hCG, may not be detectable yet.

Is ovulation induction painful?

Ovulation induction is not painful generally. However, you could still feel some discomfort, perhaps from injections or blood tests according to your treatment schedule. Some medications may cause a feeling of bloating and irritability. Injectable hormones make you self-administer and can be uncomfortable sometimes. If you are looking for supportive fertility clinic care, the Apollo Fertility staff gives you expert care while treating you with personalized concern towards making your treatment go very smoothly and comfortably.

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