My next door neighbours, Sheena and Vivek, look a lovely couple; both work for a reputed MNC. Last week, during our weekly grocery shopping, Sheena didn’t seem herself; she was quiet and sad. On probing, I came to know that they are considering fertility treatments, as they are married for five years and are still without a child.
The first question that I asked her was whether they have tried enough and wisely?
The question seemed awkward to her as it would be to anyone hearing it for the first time, “What does ‘wisely’ mean here?”
Not many women know that they can become pregnant only during certain days in their monthly cycle. Having a sexual intercourse during those days does increase their chances of becoming pregnant. These are the days after ovulation, when the egg has the highest chance of getting fertilized by a sperm, the male counterpart.
Many women, like Sheena, don’t even know what ovulation is. They need information on ovulation and how to know when they are ovulating.
What is ovulation?
Ovulation is a part of your menstrual cycle during which the egg is discharged by the matured ovarian follicle. In this process, the egg travels down the fallopian tube to meet the sperm to become fertilized.
Why should I know when am I ovulating?
If you have decided to become a mother, then it is important for you to know the bodily changes that are positive for getting pregnant. The ‘OVULATING PERIOD’ is important for getting pregnant; it gives you an idea to find out when is the right time for conceiving. Conversely, if you are not ready to conceive, it is good to know about the ovulation signs, to help you avoid unwanted pregnancy. But if you are a woman who has irregularities in menstruation, then it is difficult to predict your ‘OVULATING PERIOD’. So, you will probably need to see a fertility specialist.
Six Ways To Know If You Are Ovulating
I told Sheena about these six ways to know when she is ovulating.
Mark And Track Your Calendar
Keeping a track of your menstrual calendar for at least a few months would help you in identifying the right dates and predict the ovulatory period. It is advised to have sex every other day, especially during the ‘FERTILE WINDOW.’ This period is during the 5 days before your ovulation starts. This helps the sperm wait for your egg to get them fertilized.
If your menstrual cycle is of 28 days pattern, your ‘FERTILE WINDOW’ begins on day 10 and you are most likely to ovulate on day 14, the chances for you to get pregnant would be more if you have sex, at least, the every other day between 10 and 14 days of your cycle.
Observe ‘Mittelschmerz’
In German, ‘MITTELSCHMERZ’ is nothing but ‘middle pain’. It is a medical term for ‘ovulation pain’ or ‘midcycle pain’. You will feel pain and discomfort in your lower abdomen; this can be your monthly reminder that reminds you or indicates that your eggs are getting released from the ovary, and you began the fertile period.
Observe For Body Changes
Ovaries give off estrogen. When there is an increase in your estrogen levels, your ovaries release an egg, and the body starts making progesterone that rises your body temperature. By tracking the temperature every day before you get out of the bed, you will be clear about the pattern that shows when you ovulate and when you are fertile.
Observe The Changes In Your Mucus
During the period of ovulation, you can observe your cervical mucus be clear, slippery, as the consistency of an egg white. This is the best sign that tells you when you are actually ovulating.
Try An Ovulation Predictor Kit
Start testing with an ovulation predictor kit before the estimated day of ovulation. Suppose, your cycle has a typical 28 days pattern, and then you can start testing from day 11. If the result turns to be positive it is obvious that you are going to ovulate within the next 24 to 36 hours.
Observe Your Cervical Position
Your cervix changes its position when you are fertile. It does not remain in the same position throughout the day. Therefore, it is best to check the cervix in the same time each day. When you are not fertile, you would feel the cervix low and hard. If you are fertile, your cervix is soft, high, open, and wet.
These signs may indicate when the correct days to have sexual intercourse are. The couples can plan their activities around these days. Sheena and Vivek were not infertile; they simply lacked awareness about their own bodies and its systems. Before seeking treatment for infertility, the couples should explore their own potential for becoming fertile. Awareness can prevent a lot of emotional trauma, and of course cost!