Getting pregnant can get tricky at times, especially for women with preexisting fertility issues. Be it critical gynecological issues or problems pertaining to irregular periods, even the smallest of conditions can negatively impact the chances of conception. However, for someone with predictable menstrual cycles, the ovulation timeline can be a pretty good indicator when it comes to enlisting the positive signs of pregnancy. Moreover, even for females with menstrual irregularities, there are a few techniques which can help track the ovulation cycle; thereby highlighting the most conducive period for getting pregnant. Insights into Ovulation For a typical 28 day menstrual cycle, ovulation usually starts at day 14 with the fertile days being 12th, 13th, and obviously the 14th day and for a 35-day cycle; day 21 is when ovulation usually happens. However, for females with irregular periods, it is necessary to opt for certain methods in order to gain proper insights regarding the exact time of ovulation.
- Checking for Basal Temperature
While this is one of the oldest techniques to get a considerable idea regarding the supposed time of ovulation, it is still quite effective, in terms of a manual approach. It is important to understand that when a woman ovulates, the body temperature shoots up by almost half a degree under normal circumstances. The best indicator, however, is the fact that until the period surfaces, the higher temperature is expected to persist. Therefore, it is advisable to check for the same each morning upon waking up, in order to get an idea regarding ovulation.
- Checking for Cervical Mucus
The ever-changing consistency of Cervical Mucus, during the entire menstrual month, is a decent indicator as well. In most cases i.e. during non-fertile days, the cervical mucus is usually opaque and thick which eventually changes to slippery and clear, in case of approaching or existing ovulation cycle. The consistency, at times, matches that of egg whites.
- Charting out the Menstrual Cycle
Individuals that can chart out the irregular period cycles are better off when it comes to ascertaining the benefits of this approach, in regards to finding the exact ovulation timeline. At present, there are a host of fertility applications in the market which are also capable of doing the job for the concerned individuals.
- Using Ovulation Sticks
Those who are looking to stay away from the intricacies of the aforementioned manual approaches, ovulation sticks can be great companions. Firstly, during the initial phases of the ovulation cycle, the LH or Luteinizing Hormone levels start surging inside the body. The sticks, therefore, perfectly detect this surge and give out positive results or rather indications. However, multiple sticks can be required by women with irregular cycles. Inference While these are some of the most effective strategies for addressing the ovulation timeline, there are companies which are slowly coming up with dedicated applications and gadgets for helping couples with conception.