Key Precautions for a Successful IVF Treatment
The day of the embryo transfer is a crucial day for anyone undergoing an IVF treatment. A procedure reflecting the hopes of those undergoing it and converging with the science of assisted reproductive therapies. At Apollo fertility, we understand this and hence advice certain precautions to ensure that the procedure is smooth and has a high chance of success.
A lot of myths surround the procedure of IVF and for those undergoing the treatment, it is imperative to weed out these myths from their mind. Following are some precautions that are based on research, data and science that one can follow during an IVF treatment to ensure better chances of success:
Ensure medical suitability
Every patient should evaluate their suitability for IVF, both medically and psychologically, much in advance to undergoing the actual treatment. At Apollo, counselling via a senior specialist is arranged for couples/patients considering IVF treatment, if requested. Any potential health hazard can be identified at this stage.
Understand the cause of infertility
Male or female infertility must be closely examined in order to ensure that the IVF treatment is administered accordingly. Ignoring the underlying cause of infertility could prove detrimental to the success of the treatment.
Tests and retests are indispensable when considering such a treatment. Apollo fertility clinic insists on hormone profiling, male-partner semen analysis, and a trans-vaginal scan of your ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus mid-cycle at the least.
Health and regime
The health of the ‘want-to-be’ parents, especially the mother is to remain the prime focus all throughout. A healthy diet with nuts, fruits, green leafy vegetables; proper hydration through water and other non-caffeinated and non-alcoholic drinks; regular exercise; consuming folic acid along with multi-vitamins are all recommended as one considers and goes through the IVF treatment. Maintaining an ideal body mass index is also vital. Post-implant, it is advised that you eat as if you are already pregnant and take all the precautions that a pregnant woman would in normal circumstances.
Age matters
While IVF treatment allows for older patients to also conceive, all women over 40 may want to evaluate the option of transferring two embryos. While single-embryo transfer has known to reduce multiple births and cases of pre-eclampsia, the case of women over 40 is different. As one age, the number, quality and quantity of the egg in question starts dropping makes transferring two eggs more logical.
Post-transfer of egg, bed rest is a myth
While the patient is advised to take it easy, at Apollo, we never ask them to take a complete bed rest. It is advisable that the two-week waiting period before an official test can be performed should be as stress-free as possible but should include strolls around the block and other non-strenuous exercises. Of course, heavy lifting, rigorous exercise, sexual intercourse hot baths and trampolining are ill-advised.
Procedural care
Ensure that you do not cough or sneeze during the procedure. If you are running a cold, the doctors at Apollo will either reschedule your appointment or give you a cough remedy. Just after implant, the couple is suggested to take a few, stress-free minutes to recover from it. For example, a study discovered that IVF patients who were entertained by a medical clown for 15 minutes’ post-embryo transfer were twice as likely to get pregnant than others.
Support systems
Apollo fertility clinic and its staff firmly believe that an IVF treatment needs a social system including immediate family, friends and maybe even a therapist. Online communities are great sources of support. If you are stressed, share it with your close ones.
IVF treatments are meant to implant a healthy embryo in an optimized uterus and all these special cautions are just to accommodate and facilitate the same.