During the infertility treatments, one will have to take a few drugs either orally or through injections. These drugs can be put into four categories. They are;
• Fertility drugs to trigger ovulation
• Drugs used to manage the menstrual cycle
• Drugs to cure other infertility conditions
• Drugs to treat other medical conditions
These medicines may be used either before you begin your treatment or alongside the same. Despite infertility affecting both the genders equally, when compared, women take more medications as compared to males. It is because the infertility cases in men cannot be rectified with the help of medicines.
The most used fertility drug
1. Clomid
Clomid is one of the most common drugs used while treating infertility. Clomiphene citrate or Clomid is used to rectify the ovulation dysfunction. However, when the reasons for infertility are unclear, even then, clomid may be prescribed. This drug is consumed orally.
Some of the side-effects are; headaches, hot flashes, mood swings, multiple pregnancies, vision problems and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
The side-effects produced by clomid are not very serious when you compared it to the injected fertility drugs. In very rare cases, clomid is used to treat infertility issues in men as well.
2. Femara (Letrozole)
This drug is basically used to treat breast cancer. However, today, most specialists use it to treat issues related to ovulation. Taken orally, you might have to take them either before or during your treatment. Research shows than Femara are more useful than Clomid, especially for women suffering from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) or women who are clomid resistant.
The risks and side-effects of Femara are similar to Clomid. Since it is not a safe drug to consume during the pregnancy, it is taken during the early stages.
3. Gonadotropins
Gonadotropins are very strong drugs used to stimulate the ovulation. They contain follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) or the fusion of both. When women take these drugs, it helps trigger the ovaries, making sure mature eggs are released. These drugs are taken via injections given through the fatty tissues. Your specialist may advise you on how you can take it yourself at home. They can be taken alone or alongside other medications. However, gonadotropins are most commonly used during IUI or IVF treatments.
The side-effects are; bloating, nausea, headache, tender breasts, mood swings, irritation on the area where injected, multiple pregnancies, and the risk of developing hyperstimulation syndrome.
4. Follistim (Follitropin beta) and Gonal F (Follitrophin alpha)
These drugs help mirror the hormone FSH in the body. They are made in a laboratory with the help of DNA recombinant technology. Thus, it is very similar to the natural hormones in your body.
5. Bravelle, Fertinex
This drug is also used to mirror the FSH hormone. However, like the previous drug, it is not created in the laboratory. This hormone extracted and then purified from the urine of post-menopausal women.