Infertility, a word that breaks the heart of many young and old couples. The word infertility means the inability of the couple to become pregnant after a year of unprotected sex. The cases of infertility have seen a rise over the years the reason being both genetic and the changes in lifestyle which has a detrimental effect on the reproductive system.
For a couple to be bear a child, it is dependent on the normal fertility of both the male and female counterpart. As bearing a child requires a normal fertility system in both the male and female, there are many procedures which are used for males and females. This procedure helps us to identify the reproductive ability of the individuals involved.
Evaluation of Infertility in man
For a man to be fertile it requires smooth and normal functioning of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and testes. If any form of the dysfunctional component is found in these parts the male is said to be infertile. Keeping this aside, there are also a variety of factors which also affect male fertility. Let us now have a look into the procedures which helps in identifying male infertility:
Physical Examination- Physical examination involves taking down the height, weight and other physical factors associated with the individual. During this test, special emphasis is laid on Testosterone deficiency, which is the primary hormone responsible for the production of sperms in the testes.
Sperm Count Sperm count is the central component which helps us to identify whether or not a male is fertile. The analysis of sperm count allows us to understand the number of sperms present, motility and the shape of the sperms in the male testes. This procedure is a determining factor which is done through the sampling of the sperms over a period of time that allows the doctors to understand the various underlying aspects relating to sperm count which also looks for a solution to the case if the sperm count is below normal.
Evaluation of Infertility in a woman
There are many medical procedures which have been developed to identify infertility in woman. These procedures involve studying the medical history and also involve blood tests that allow us to identify various aspects which might be the cause of infertility. Now let us have a look at some of these procedures in brief:
Menstrual History: Studying the menstrual cycle over a period of time, allows us to understand if there are any abnormalities which might very well be the cause of infertility. Often diseases like Amenorrhea are the determining factor of infertility in woman.
Physical Examination: Just like in men, the women are also passed through a procedure of physical examination. In this procedure, there is special emphasis which is laid on hormone deficiency that remains the leading cause of infertility in women.
Basal Body Temperature: Basal Body Temperature involves measuring the body temperature just before getting out of the bed. This procedure was linked to the process of ovulation but this procedure still remains an unreliable one and is not usually recommended.