A pregnancy loss can lead to stress and be even more devastating if it happens again. This is known as a recurrent miscarriage, and if experienced, one must understand the tests and treatments that may be required. However, the good news is that couples can have a successful pregnancy even after a recurrent miscarriage. Understand more about recurrent miscarriages in this article.
What Does Recurrent Miscarriage Mean?
A recurrent miscarriage refers to the loss of three or more consecutive pregnancies. Miscarriages are common. Studies indicate that almost 50% of all early pregnancies experience a miscarriage. Sometimes, it can happen even before women know they are pregnant.
Experts say that over 20% of women can experience multiple miscarriages. On the other hand, women who have suffered from two or more previous miscarriages are at an increased risk of developing a miscarriage. Therefore, it is advisable to consult an infertility expert or doctor to understand the cause and get the right treatment to avoid recurrent miscarriages.
Symptoms to Consider
Symptoms of a miscarriage vary from one woman to another. While some develop symptoms, some don't experience any symptoms. However, the symptoms of a miscarriage to consider include: passing blood clots, vaginal bleeding, cramping, back pain, fever, and abdominal pain.
Some symptoms of miscarriage are similar to symptoms of pregnancy and are quite common. It is better to be proactive and consult your doctor as soon as possible. Sometimes, everything is normal and okay, and you just need to ensure nothing is wrong.
Causes of Recurrent Miscarriage
There are various possible causes for this condition. However, your doctor may not always detect the actual cause of your recurrent miscarriage. Remember that most couples can have a baby in the future, even after a recurrent miscarriage. Some possible causes to consider are:
Blood Clotting Disorders
Common blood clotting disorders like antiphospholipid syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus can lead to sticky blood and recurrent miscarriage. Such disorders can affect blood flow to the placenta and develop blood clots, affecting how the placenta functions. As a result, your baby will not get sufficient oxygen and nutrients, causing a miscarriage. To avoid a miscarriage, getting tested for antiphospholipid antibodies is advisable. Your doctor may suggest using heparin or aspirin therapy to thin the blood.
Thyroid Antibodies
These are small molecules located in the bloodstream and can attack the thyroid. As per studies, a high level of thyroid antibodies will increase the chances of having a miscarriage. So, check your thyroid function, especially when you are pregnant.
Thyroid Problems
Studies have proven a link between pregnancy loss and thyroid problems. Moreover, the thyroid may also lead to other pregnancy complications. To avoid miscarriage, it is crucial to have a perfect thyroid function before getting pregnant.
Genetic Reasons
Partners may pass on a defective chromosome in some cases, leading to recurrent miscarriages. Considering the miscarriage history, you should conduct a blood test to check for any chromosomal abnormalities. It is also called karyotyping. You should consult a clinical geneticist for more information if your test shows an issue.
Uterine Issues
Studies have proven that an abnormal womb increases the risk of premature birth or recurrent miscarriage. This can be identified through an ultrasound scan. Your doctor may advise you to have surgery based on the test results.
Natural Killer Cells
Doctors also believe that natural killer (NK) cells in the uterus can cause miscarriage and infertility. By conducting a test, you can measure the NK cell level. These tests can be very costly.
Treatment Options
Based on your current condition, your doctor may suggest pharmacological treatment options, like metformin and heparin. Studies also have proven the benefits of using progesterone supplements for a successful future pregnancy.
Immunotherapy options can also help. Trophoblast membranes, third-party donor leukocytes, paternal cell immunisation, or intravenous immunoglobulin can be used to treat this issue.
If a treatable womb abnormality has been detected, surgery to correct it can lower the risk of recurrent miscarriage.
Your future pregnancy after a recurrent miscarriage greatly depends on the test results. If no cause has been detected, the chances of a normal pregnancy are high. On the other hand, if a genetic reason has been detected, you should consult a genetics specialist for advice about your future pregnancies. Always consult your doctor to know more about this condition and to witness a successful pregnancy.
Genetic abnormalities, hormonal disorders and uterine issues are some of the common reasons for recurrent miscarriage.
Yes, you can. In fact, some studies show women who suffer from multiple miscarriages can witness a healthy pregnancy.
Well, excessive stress is not good during your pregnancy; there is no such studies that can prove that stress can cause miscarriage.
No, both are different things. Infertility means you can't get pregnant even after trying to conceive for longer.
Miscarriage can happen at 6 to 8 weeks, and a major reason behind this can be an unbalanced translocation.