
Overview of Sonohysterogram (SHG) 

When assessing infertility, imaging of the female reproductive organs is a crucial step. This is frequently done by performing a transvaginal pelvic ultrasound to analyze the uterus and ovaries. However, additional tests may be advised to assess the uterus's fallopian tubes and endometrial cavity, which is where the pregnancy implants and develops.

An ultrasound examination of the uterus is done in the doctor's office during a sonohysterogram (SHG). This test gives your doctor a clear picture of the uterine cavity to detect the underlying causes of infertility or abnormalities of the uterine cavity,

When to see a doctor?

Structures in your uterus that may be causing symptoms like pelvic pain, unexplained bleeding, or infertility might be seen during a sonohysterogram. It is necessary to get diagnosed if

  • You experience heavy or longer than usual periods.
  • When you experience heavy vaginal bleeding between periods.
  • You are experiencing persistent pelvic pain.
  • You have been unable to conceive.
  • You had miscarriages twice or more.

You can visit the Apollo fertility centre in Banjara Hills for the best guidance and examination. The doctors at Apollo fertility centre in Banjara Hills will guide you through the procedure.

Preparing for the test

The following are the preparation tips to follow before the test

  • Eat and drink normally. You can also take your regular meds.
  • Your doctor could advise you to take over-the-counter painkillers or antibiotics to avoid getting sick during the test.
  • You'll probably need to wear an absorbent pad to prevent saline fluid from leaking following the test.
  • When you have your test, dress comfortably. If the doctor requests it, it will make it simpler to change into the gown.
  • Consult your doctor for any further preparation before the test.

What to expect from the test?

The doctors usually perform SHG in the following week at the end of the menstrual cycle for more accurate results and fewer chances of infection. For women who are not menstruating, it may be done anytime. 

During an ultrasound- sonohysterogram or SHG an ultrasound technician generally takes the images in the computer and a physician performs the procedure. 

Similar to a transvaginal ultrasound, a sonohysterogram involves taking pictures while a tiny catheter is used to slowly insert a few tablespoons of sterile saline into your uterus. A transducer wand is placed into your vagina and cervix, to reach your uterus. Once inside, the wand emits sound waves that capture data on the inside organs of your uterus. Using this data, an image of your uterus is then projected onto a screen so the radiologist or technician performing the procedure may see it. The test reveals the abnormalities of the uterus lining cavity that may be causing infertility.

Possible results of the test.

After the test reports are out, your doctor may interpret the results. The possible results of the test may reveal the following conditions

  • Uterine Fibroids (tumours).
  • Ovarian polyps.
  • Ovarian cancer.
  • Abnormality in uterine shape.
  • Internal tissue scarring (endometriosis).
  • Fallopian tube obstruction (infertility).
  • Abnormalities in the uterine lining.

After all the diagnostic tests are done, your doctor suggests the appropriate treatment plan according to your condition.

You can book your consultation at the Apollo fertility centre in Banjara Hills. The doctors at the Apollo fertility centre in Banjara Hills will provide you with the best consultation and treatment plan.

Risk factors associated with the test

SHG is a relatively safe test that typically goes off without a hitch. Major problems are uncommon. Pelvic infection is the most frequent severe SHG consequence. SHG may also result in vaginal discharge, spotting, and cramping.

After the procedure, some women may have cramps for many hours. In such a case your doctor may ask you to take an anti-inflammatory drug before this test. Before the procedure, some doctors may additionally advise taking painkillers or antibiotics to avoid discomfort during and after the test.


A sonohyterogram or SHG is an ultrasound-based technique that uses sound waves and a computer to outline and create images of the uterine cavity to look for any abnormalities in the uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries. The doctor guides you through the procedure and tells you the appropriate preparation tips. In case any abnormalities are found, the doctor advises the available treatment plan as per your condition. If you experience any symptoms such as heavy periods, continuous pelvic pain, inability to conceive, etc, seek medical attention at the earliest.

Request an appointment at

Apollo Fertility Center, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad

Call 1860 500 4424 to book an appointment.

1. What is a SHG?

A sonohysterogram is an imaging test to look for any abnormalities of the uterus that may be causing uterine bleeding, pelvic pain, or infertility.

2. Is SHG painful?

Although an SHG is safe, some women may experience pain or discomfort during or after the procedure.

3. How long does the SHG take?

An SHG is a diagnostic test that approximately takes 30 minutes.

4. What can a SHG Diagnose?

A Sonohysterogram diagnoses the underlying causes of infertility, multiple miscarriages, and abnormal uterine bleeding.

5. Can you eat before a SHG?

On the day of your Sonohysterofram, eat, drink and take medications as you normally do.

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