Ectopic Pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy is a type of pregnancy that develops outside the uterus. It is observed in the fallopian tube, ovary or abdominal cavity. It is estimated that 1 out of 50 pregnancies results in an ectopic pregnancy. It is essential to manage this condition as it can result in further complications and affect future pregnancies.

What are the Symptoms of Ectopic Pregnancy?

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy include:

  • Vgainal bleeding
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness
  • Fainting
  • Hypotension (Low blood pressure)
  • Abdominal pain
  • Rectal pressure
  • Shoulder or neck pain

What are the Causes of Ectopic Pregnancy?

Currently, the exact cause behind ectopic pregnancy is still unclear. However, research has found an association between ectopic pregnancy and the following factors.

  • Genetic abnormalities
  • Birth defects
  • Scarring and infection from a previous surgery
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Medical conditions associated with the ovaries and the fallopian tube
  • Unusual development of the fertilized egg

When to See a Doctor

If a person develops symptoms of ectopic pregnancy such as Vaginal bleeding associated with weakness and abdominal pain, they should consult a doctor immediately. Apollo Fertility Hospital at Varthur Bangalore is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and veteran doctors to handle all cases of ectopic pregnancy.

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What are the Risk Factors Associated with Ectopic Pregnancy?

The following factors may increase one's risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy.

  • Infection or inflammation of the fallopian tubes
  • Age of 35 years or older
  • A history of pelvic inflammatory disease
  • History of fertility treatments
  • Endometriosis
  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • History of smoking
  • Intrauterine device
  • Tubal surgery

What are the Possible Complications of Ectopic Pregnancy?

Without early diagnosis and treatment, one may develop the following complications related to ectopic pregnancy.

  • Internal bleeding
  • Fallopian tubes may burst.

How to Prevent Ectopic Pregnancy

While it is not possible to prevent ectopic pregnancy, one can take the following steps to reduce the risk of developing one.

  • Ensure that your partner is wearing a condom during sexual intercourse
  • Limit the number of sexual partners
  • Minimize or quit smoking
  • Get regular STD tests done
  • Visit a gynaecologist once in a while.

How to Treat Ectopic Pregnancy

The doctor will use one of the following treatments to remove the ectopic pregnancy.

  • Medications - The doctor may prescribe a medication called methotrexate to stop the growth of the ectopic pregnancy as well as dissolve the existing cells. The medication is administered through an injection. The doctor will conduct HCG tests to see if the treatment worked properly.
  • Surgery - The doctor will conduct a laparotomy to remove the embryo. In severe cases, the damaged fallopian tube with the egg will be removed.

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at Apollo Fertility, Varthur, Bangalore

Call 1860 500 4424 to book an appointment


Ectopic pregnancy develops when the egg is fertilized in the ovary or fallopian tubes instead of the uterus. It may cause vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, or dizziness. Factors like genetic abnormalities, smoking, or previous ectopic pregnancy may increase the risk of developing one. The doctor may prescribe medication or opt for surgery depending on the severity of the situation.

1. How is an ectopic pregnancy diagnosed?

The doctor may ask you to do an HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) test or a urine test to check for pregnancy. They may also ask you to do an ultrasound to check the position of the fertilised egg.

2. Is it possible to get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy?

Yes, it is possible to have successful pregnancies after an ectopic pregnancy. Consult a doctor and understand the next steps.

3. How long should one wait before becoming pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy?

Ideally, wait for three months before trying to get pregnant. This allows your fallopian tubes to recover and decreases the risk of ectopic pregnancy. Consult a doctor for a better understanding of the situation before proceeding.

4. Is it possible to have a baby after the removal of the fallopian tubes?

Yes, it is possible to become pregnant if you still have one fallopian tube. The doctor may suggest in-vitro fertilization to help assist in the placement of the egg inside the uterus. We encourage you to discuss everything with your doctor openly so that they can provide better help and insight into the best treatment plan for you!

5. How long does an ectopic pregnancy last?

This depends on certain factors. if the tissues outside the uterus cannot provide the necessary support and blood supply, the fetus may not survive at all. However, the structure containing the fetus mostly ruptures between 6 to 16 weeks.

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