Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy (LSH)

Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy (LSH) or subtotal or partial hysterectomy, is a minimally invasive surgical procedure to remove the diseased uterus (womb). Typically, the LSH procedure is done to prevent or treat abnormal bleeding and associated gynaecological complications. Several fertility hospitals in Varthur guide the LSH procedure.

About the procedure:

The uterus is a major female reproductive organ located in the pelvis. It plays critical functions in mensuration, gestation and foetal development. However, several gynaecological conditions such as adenomyosis, endometriosis and cancer can affect the vitality of the uterus. If left untreated, the diseased uterus may affect the surrounding cervix and lead to life-threatening complications.

Removing the diseased uterus is sometimes the only way to avoid complications when other treatment options are not available or have failed. In such cases, LSH procedures are recommended.

The LSH is a medical procedure to remove the diseased uterine bodies (uterus) and preserve the cervix and ovaries from complications. This procedure uses a thin, telescope-like instrument with a camera and light called a laparoscope to carry out the surgical procedure. Fertility hospitals in Varthur offer advanced laparoscopic techniques to help understand the root cause of the gynaecological concern.

Who qualifies for the LSH procedure?

Individuals who experience uterine fibroids or menstrual abnormalities are ideal candidates for gynaecological consultation.

Other common reasons that gynaecologists may recommend undergoing a laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy include:

  • Treating or screening tumours in the uterus, cervix, or ovaries.
  • Preventing heavy vaginal bleeding that continues despite medicine or dilation and curettage (D&C) treatment.
  • Alleviating chronic pelvic pain.

You can request an appointment at Apollo Fertility, Varthur Clinic, Banglore for a consultation by calling 1860 500 4424.

How is the LSH procedure conducted?

The LSH procedure is dictated by the severity of the concerning condition, the patient’s body type, and their health history.

A typical laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy treatment procedure involves:

  • Physical examination: The gynaecologist will evaluate the patient’s condition and overall health.
  • Diagnosis: Imaging methods, including ultrasound and CT scans, will be performed to determine the accurate cause of the condition.
  • Anaesthesia: If qualified for further procedure, general anaesthesia will be administered to numb the pain during the surgical procedure.
  • LSH treatment:
    • Surgical incision: Small surgical incisions will be made in the abdomen.
    • Laparoscopic surgery: A specialised instrument (laparoscope) will be inserted through the incision to detach and extract the affected uterus from the cervix.
    • Suture and dressing: At the end of the procedure, the open incisions will be cleaned and sutured. A sterile dressing may also be placed over the incisional areas.

What are the benefits of the LSH procedure?

The benefits of having a laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy are numerous. Some common ones include:

  • Reduced risk of developing urinary complications
  • Resolved abnormal vaginal bleeding problems
  • Alleviated chronic pelvic pain
  • Curtailed spread of infection in the uterus
  • Limited or eliminated overgrowth of unwanted tissues in the uterus lining

Fertility hospitals in Varthur offer the best treatments for urinary complications, periods, and vaginal infections.

What are the possible risks and complications of the LSH procedure?

Like with all surgeries, there are a few risks of developing complications after the LSH procedure. Some possible complications of the LSH procedure include:

  • Internal bleeding
  • Infection at the incisional sites
  • Formation of blood clots
  • Hernia, weakness of abdominal muscles
  • Allergic reactions to anaesthesia
  • Permanently ends the ability to conceive

It is important to consult a gynaecologist and surgeon to know about nonsurgical alternatives before the LSH procedure. For more guidance on alternative treatment options, one can visit fertility hospitals in Varthur.


Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy (LSH) ) is a relatively safe and minimally invasive approach to hysterectomy. Thanks to advanced laparoscopic techniques, LSH treatment offers shorter hospital stays and less healing time in comparison to traditional hysterectomy surgeries.

1. Why laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy (LSH) should not be delayed?

Delaying LSH treatment can worsen the patient’s condition and can sometimes lead to permanent long-term complications. So, it is always better to inform and consult a healthcare provider about treatment delays.

2. How to prepare for a laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy (LSH) procedure?

o Limit alcohol consumption o Be prepared with all the necessary prescriptions o Stop smoking o Maintain balanced diet o Leave all jewellery and accessories at home before surgery o Inform the physician of all of the medications that the patient is currently consuming o Avoid taking certain medications as instructed by the healthcare provider

3. What conditions might need a laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy (LSH) procedure?

The following conditions may require an LSH procedure: o Fibroids: Non-cancerous tumour growth in the uterus o Endometriosis: Abnormal tissue growth in the uterus lining o Gynaecological cancer: Cancerous cell growth in the reproductive organs o Uterine prolapse: Weaken floor muscles around the uterus region

4. What are different diagnostic tests recommended before having an LSH treatment?

Doctors recommend the following tests before the LSH procedure: o Cervical cytology (Pap test) o Endometrial biopsy o Pelvic ultrasound o Complete blood count (CBC) o X-rays, or an electrocardiogram (ECG)

5. What are the advantages of a minimally invasive LSH treatment over traditional hysterectomy surgery?

Some common advantages of minimally invasive LSH over traditional open incision surgery include: o Smaller incisions o Minimal blood loss o Less soft tissue and nerve trauma o Less post-operative care o Faster healing time o Lesser hospital stay Request an appointment at Apollo Fertility, Varthur, Bangalore Call 1860 500 4424 to book an appointment

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