Everything You Need To Know About Recurrent Miscarriage

A recurrent miscarriage is a devastating experience for any woman. It’s not just physically challenging, but also mentally and emotionally draining. Having a miscarriage can be heartbreaking, as it means that you have to start over again in your journey to becoming a mother. But what exactly causes recurrent miscarriages? In this blog post, we will explore the different causes of recurrent miscarriages and how you can manage them.


There are several different types of recurrent miscarriage:

-Habitual or unexplained recurrent miscarriage: This is when a woman has had three or more miscarriages in a row, with no known cause.

- Secondary recurrent miscarriage: This is when a woman has had two previous successful pregnancies, followed by one or more miscarriages.

- Recurrent early pregnancy loss: This is when a woman has had multiple miscarriages that occur before the 20th week of pregnancy.

- Recurrent implantation failure: This is when a woman has difficulty getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy beyond the early stages.


Some possible causes of recurrent miscarriage include:

-Chromosomal abnormalities: This is the most common known cause of recurrent miscarriage. Chromosomal abnormalities can occur in both the egg and the sperm and can be passed down from either parent.

-Hormonal imbalances: Imbalances in certain hormones, such as progesterone, can cause recurrent miscarriages.

- Autoimmune disorders: Autoimmune disorders like lupus or thyroid disease can increase the risk of miscarrying.

- Uterine abnormalities: Abnormalities of the uterus, such as fibroids or polyps, can cause recurrent miscarriages.

- Environmental factors: Exposure to certain environmental toxins or stress may increase the risk of miscarrying.


There are a few different symptoms associated with recurrent miscarriage, though they may not all be present in every case. Some common symptoms include:

-Abdominal pain
-Heavy bleeding
-Passing tissue or clots
-Nausea and vomiting

Risk Factors

There are many possible risk factors for recurrent miscarriage, and it is often difficult to determine the exact cause. However, some potential risk factors include:

-Hormonal imbalances: This can be caused by a variety of factors, including thyroid problems, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and others.

-Genetic abnormalities: This may be a factor if there is a history of recurrent miscarriage in your family.

-Structural abnormalities: This can refer to problems with the uterus or cervix.

-Infections: Certain infections, such as those caused by bacteria or viruses, may increase the risk of miscarrying.

-Immune system problems: If your immune system is not functioning properly, you may be at increased risk for recurrent miscarriage.

When to see a doctor?

If you have had two or more consecutive miscarriages, it is recommended that you see a doctor. There are many possible causes of recurrent miscarriage, and a doctor can help investigate the cause and recommend treatment options. The cause is unknown in about 50% of cases. However, there are some potential causes that can be investigated by a doctor. These include:

-Hormonal imbalances
-Autoimmune diseases
-Thrombophilia (a blood clotting disorder)
-Uterine abnormalities

A doctor will likely order some tests to investigate the cause of recurrent miscarriage. These may include:

-Blood tests to check for hormonal imbalances or autoimmune diseases
-Ultrasound to check the uterus for abnormalities
-In some cases, a hysteroscopy (a procedure to look inside the uterus) may be recommended.


Recurrent Miscarriage is a difficult and heartbreaking experience that can be emotionally draining. The best way to cope with recurrent miscarriage is to seek help from your healthcare practitioner who can provide you with the right support, guidance and treatment options so you feel more secure in your pregnancy journey. Request an appointment at Apollo Fertility in Amritsar. Call 1860-500-1066 to book an appointment.

1. What is recurrent miscarriage?

Recurrent miscarriage is defined as the loss of three or more consecutive pregnancies. The cause of recurrent miscarriage is often unknown, but it may be due to problems with the uterus or cervix, hormonal imbalance, autoimmune disorders, genetic factors, or certain chronic health conditions.

2. What are the symptoms of recurrent miscarriage?

The main symptom of recurrent miscarriage is the loss of pregnancy. Other possible symptoms include bleeding and cramping during pregnancy, abnormal uterine bleeding, and changes in vaginal discharge.

3. How is recurrent miscarriage diagnosed?

Your healthcare provider will perform a physical exam and order blood tests to check for possible causes of recurrent miscarriage. They may also order an ultrasound to assess the condition of your uterus and cervix. In some cases, a laparoscopy (a surgical procedure involving a small incision in the abdominal area) may be necessary to further evaluate the reproductive organs.

4. What are the treatment options for recurrent miscarriages?

There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for recurrent miscarriage, as the cause can vary from person to person. Your healthcare provider will work with you to create a treatment plan that's best for you based on the underlying cause of your miscarriages.

5. Can recurrent miscarriages be prevented?

Unfortunately, there is no sure way to prevent recurrent miscarriages. However, there are certain steps you can take to reduce your risk such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle and managing stress levels. If you have experienced recurrent miscarriages, it's important to speak with your healthcare provider about possible causes and treatment options.

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