Microsurgical Testicular Epididymal Sperm Extraction (Micro TESE)/ Sperm Retrieval

Sperm are extracted from the testicular tissue using a method called microscopic testicular sperm extraction (microTESE). This medical technique may be suggested for reproductive purposes if a man is unable to produce or release enough healthy sperm naturally. The testes, which are where sperm are created, include testicular tissue. The little pouch under the penis known as the scrotum is where the testes are located.

Need for Sperm Retrieval

According to estimates, sperm absence in the ejaculate accounts for 10% to 15% of male infertility. We refer to this disorder as azoospermia. However, blockage in the reproductive tract is to blame for 40% of male infertility. The other reason is inadequate sperm production. Whatever the cause, males with this illness are nevertheless able to father children by microsurgical sperm extraction, in which sperm is surgically extracted from the vaginal region.

Procedure for Micro TESE

Despite the fact that patients with NOA might not have any sperm that can be seen in a semen analysis, they might have concentrated sperm production in the testis. An operating microscope is used by the surgeon to spend hours looking for sperm during a normal microTESE treatment. Additionally, a lab technician in reproductive endocrinology may look through a bench-top microscope for up to 14 hours.

For microTESE, sperm retrieval rates range from 40% to 60%, and any sperm obtained must be utilized for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF) (ICSI). This operation is often carried out in a facility in collaboration with reproductive endocrinologists because of how specialized it is. Couples without insurance coverage for reproductive therapy face a costly hurdle because microTESE is generally carried out in the operating room under general anaesthesia.

It is often advisable to wait between six and twelve months if the microTESE operation needs to be redone.

Diagnosing Male Infertility

Semen analysis: Analyzing the sperm in the semen reveals their quantity and quality. The male reproductive system secretes a biological fluid called semen. It transports sperm as well as other nutrients that support sperm survival and successful fertilization.

Blood test: Looks for hormone or genetic issues. Male and female fertility depends on hormone levels.

Ultrasound: Examines the veins that transport blood from the testicles, back to the body's other organs using ultrasound of the scrotum.

When do you need to Contact a Doctor?

Even after trying to get pregnant without birth control, a couple should contact a fertility specialist if they are still unable to conceive. The couple needs to contact a doctor sooner if the lady is above 35. Both spouses will get a medical examination by your healthcare professional to look for any physical conditions that could be contributing to infertility. The doctor will discuss each patient's medical history and ask several questions.

Benefits of Micro TESE

As the treatment is carried out under direct microscopic vision, MICRO TESE has the benefit over other surgical sperm retrieval techniques in that there are greater odds that sperms found in tiny pockets rather than across the whole testes would be recovered.

Risks of Micro TESE

These processes could hurt. Rarely, haemorrhage and long-term testicular injury that results in hormone insufficiency are possible. Males who produce less sperm from their testicles run the danger of suffering hormonal deficiencies.

Complications Related to Micro TESE

This surgery is safe since no severe side effects from microsurgical TESE have been reported. Theoretically, fewer difficulties should be anticipated as compared to a traditional testicular biopsy since improved visibility should result in greater protection of the testicular end-arteries.


Your readiness for your medical appointment with the reproductive expert and your ability to make the best decision will be aided by your knowledge of the clinical diagnosis, numerous treatment options, their results, and the potential benefits of microsurgical sperm extraction. Contact a fertility specialist in Amritsar with questions about Male Infertility Treatment.

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Apollo Fertility/Cradle in Amritsar

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1. How long does it take for someone with micro TESE to recover?

Three days after your treatment, you can resume your regular activities. Limit your activity until your pain improves if you have new discomfort or if it worsens as a result of greater exercise.

2. Micro TESE vs TESE: Which is better?

In TESE, a less complex variation of microTESE, testicular tissue is also removed to look for sperm in male patients. Similar to TESA, it may be done under local anaesthetic at your doctor's office.

3. How safe is Micro TESE?

Infertility caused by NOA can be treated effectively and safely using micro-TESE, which may be superior to non-microsurgical techniques.

4. Is the removal of testicular sperm painful?

During this EEJ surgery, general anaesthesia is administered to minimize discomfort. It knocks you out cold. You don't experience any discomfort, and you won't recall the process at all.

5. What risks might arise during the microscopic testicular sperm extraction process?

Bleeding, infection, discomfort, and pain following the operation are all potential complications of the microTESE surgery. The testicle may very rarely be harmed in the course of the treatment.

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